I have supervised undergraduates across many Cambridge colleges in Dynamical Systems, Mathematical Biology, and Vectors and Matrices. Links to the example sheets can be found here.

I am always happy to give outreach talks about my work, why I chose to do a Maths degree, and how I ended up in more of an applied field of research. I have worked with Murray Edwards College, Christ’s College, and the Cambridge Maths Department to encourage more women to apply for Maths degrees.

With Jerome Neufeld, I supervised a summer undergraduate research project: Transient moulin morphology as a window on ice rheology.

I volunteer extensively through the UK Maths Trust, and am the leader of the UK’s European Girl’s Mathematical Olympiad team. Though not my main topic of research, I have given talks on Game Theory and Number Theory for the Olympiad program. You can watch my discussion of a BMO1 problem here.